Powerful, deep functionality, streamlining collaboration and reducing response times.

Capture even the finest of project details, including assets and systems, preventing costly oversights. Allow trade contractors to quickly store data through easily customizable forms, with smart filtering capabilities allowing access to granular information in seconds.

Featuring comprehensive reporting functionality helping users to investigate project delays, assess trade contractor performance, and get full schedule visibility.


Request For Information (RFI)

Streamline queries with customizable workflows and instant, accurate reporting

Tailored for each project and proven to reduce turnaround time (TAT), this module is proven to streamline trade contractor queries.

Smart logic and customizable workflows ensure accurate reporting is instantly available, focusing users to achieve targeted milestones.

  • Create RFI’s via browser or mobile device
  • Avoid RFI duplication by sharing among other trade contractors
  • Instantly display status by discipline, system, related assets, workflow stage
  • Automatically pull in RFIs to system turnover packs
  • Markup PDFs within EIDA for increased productivity
  • Alerts to project teams for items affecting scope / schedule
  • Full audit trail incorporated


Equipment Vendor Submittals

Accelerate full vendor documentation approval

A module dedicated to the management of equipment vendor documentation, proven to streamline and accelerate vendor documentation requirement (VDR) approval.

Providing an easy to use interface for equipment vendors to upload expected documents, equipment documentation status is known and instantly retrievable, including via a mobile device. Progress v schedule reporting highlights vendors falling behind on documentation deliverables.



Trade Submittals

For all trade documentation requiring approval

Manage an array of documents for approval from all trade contractors, capturing critical data such as related systems & assets, all easily retrievable in the field via mobile device, with PDF markup capability.

Approved submittals can be ‘leveraged’ from one project to another, saving countless hours and increasing consistency in quality.

Assess performance by discipline / team and other attributes with instant reporting.

Driving submittal performance, the submittal schedule ensures trades keep on track for deliverables whilst also providing design teams with an expected workload. Delays in submission and resubmission counts are all highlighted per trade contractor.



Non-Conformance Reports

Manage site deviations from project specifications through to resolution

Where work from equipment vendors and trade contractors fails to meet quality standards, the NCR module guides client, general contractor and responsible trades to advanced workflows, ensuring full closeout is reached.

  • Contractor performance highlights delays in response
  • Customizable workflows by discipline routes to appropriate personnel
  • PDF markups within EIDA
  • Full reporting metrics



Project Change Control

Fully customizable, guiding users through quality control procedures for successful implementation

From pre-approval through to execution and post approval, with customizable quality control checklists during each stage, change control on site is seamlessly managed.

Additional logic activates workflows depending on items selected by users, ensuring decision makers are not missed throughout the process.



Ope & Scaffold Requests

Efficient management of site works, with full visibility

Manage building openings and scaffolding via customizable workflows that provide complete clarity and visibility.

All submitted forms by contractors are automatically added to a register, and via smart filtering, users can find what they’re searching for in seconds.



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Let’s Talk

Find out how EIDA can bring more structure and flow to your projects, reducing risk and increasing quality. Talk to a senior consultant today.